Disconnect: Fixed an issue in which players were getting disconnected after observing another players profile in the social hub while playing In game.General: Resolved various clipping issues.General: Updated the localization to resolve various text bugs.General: Updated various error messages used in game.General: Various tweaks to the auto balance and matchmaking systems.Deluxe Edition: Resolved an issue in which the upgraded version of Ion Torpedo was awarded instead of the regular version.Combat Roll: There's now a 1.5s cooldown.Combat Roll: Resolved an issue in which players couldn't see another player performing a combat roll.Combat Roll: Performing a melee attack at the same time as a combat roll will no longer break the animation.Vehicles: Increased the time to enter a speeder bike from 0.3 to 0.5s.Before they could instantly leave certain vehicles. Vehicles: A timer has been added to Imperials exiting vehicles.Vehicles: Resolved an issue which would make players invincible after attempting to enter a vehicle.PC: Pressing enter will now open the chat channel.PC: Made it so that combat roll triggers on press, and not on release.Added a system which allow players to see if an enemy currently has a charge card active by adding an icon above the enemies' health bar.